Growing digitally- Akshara International School

DMC Digital, enhancing the web presence and improving the website performance.


Akshara International primarily had little digital presence. They desire to create a brand name and image for themselves. The school authorities set out in search of an all-for-one one-for-all solution that could bring an end to all their digital concerns and came across DMC Digital. With our combined efforts, we have established Akshara International digitally and built an impactful impression of their name. 


    In a world where the internet has been embedded in everything, Akshara International school felt the necessity to tailor its digital identity accordingly. 

    The bothering concerns of Akshara International were:

    1. To establish an indulging and profound digital presence.
    2. To establish a significant brand name on the web.
    3. To own an enhanced modern-age website with adequate digital resources.
    4. To overcome superficial technical apprehension.
    5. To improve the progress record.
    6. To develop a platform for direct communication between the staff and the parents.

    Their quest for a solution that could settle all these unresolved obstacles ended when the authorities confided in us.


    At DMC Digital, we don’t believe in having a fixed package solution to all your problems, because we understand that each dispute needs to be resolved differently. Our approach focuses on identifying all the possible causes of an issue and eliminating them from the root. 

    Understanding and Proceeding

    When the authorities of Akshara International reached out to us, we had multiple meetings to discuss a mutual plan-of-action towards building the 

    Strengthening the Identity:

       We started off by

    • Giving them a website with not only a completely new and revised look and feel but also,
    • Made it especially user-friendly, device-friendly, and easy to comprehend
    • We introduced them to pay-per-click ads and 
    • Optimized their website simultaneously.
    • The changes DMC Digital made, enabled Akshara International to establish, not only a brand name for themselves but also, 
    • To make it accessible and distinctly visible to their target audience.

    Consistent Support:

    In order to avoid any future setbacks, we’ve trained on-site support for any future discrepancies and provided them with a self-guided manual. We follow up with them on a weekly basis and hold meetings in order to ensure smooth working of the website and update it according to need.


    With more than 3,600 users and almost 800 website searches, Akshara International happily breathes a sigh of relief and rests while they put their trust in taking forward their institution, to only achieve great heights, in us.

    Our work at Akshara International has not just left the authorities in awe of it but has also birthed deep-rooted trust and understanding between the two organizations. We’ve been gladly assisting Akshara International with their digital needs for over three years now and we are looking forward to making this alliance only stronger in the future.
