Generating leads is a challenging task. However, good-quality content can attract, captivate, and convert potential customers. Creating content that generates leads requires more than just making social media posts or publishing articles. It requires an action plan that involves understanding your market, managing your resources, crafting exceptional content, and continuously improving your efforts.

Here’s a  guide on what you need to generate leads with content:

identifying the problem with lens

  1. Market & Audience Research

Before creating content that matches your audience, you need to understand who they are. Market and audience research are basic steps in your content strategy. Here’s why they matter:

Understanding Pain Points: Knowing your audience’s difficulties helps you create content that offers real solutions. This attracts attention and builds trust, putting your brand in control of your niche.

Segmenting Your Audience: Some potential customers are different from others. By segregating your audience based on behavior, demographics, and needs, you can customize your content to address specific groups, increasing its success ratio.

Competitive Analysis: Understanding what your competitors are doing can open up gaps in the market that your content can serve. You can differentiate your content and offer unique value to your audience.

Investing time in dedicated research ensures that your content provides directly to your audience’s needs and stands out in a competitive market. Google’s first page handles at least 71% of web traffic, and the #1 result generates a typical CTR of 39.6%. That’s more than double the CTR for the 2nd position at 18.4%.


  1. Assets & Bandwidth

If you have a more specific goal, for example, to increase email list sign-ups by 50%, you can track conversion rates for email forms and the cost of acquiring new subscribers. Creating evergreen content to generate leads requires resources—both in terms of assets and capacity. Here’s how you can efficiently manage these elements:

Evaluate Your Resources: Determine the equipment, software, and platforms you have at your disposal. Check whether you have a content management system (CMS), design tools, or analytics software. Identifying your assets helps you understand what’s possible and in which you would possibly want to invest.

Team Bandwidth: Recall your team’s capacity. Do you have sufficient writers, designers, and marketers to manage your content strategy? If not, you may need to outsource or hire additional resources. Over-expanding your team can result in burnout and a drop in content quality.

Budget Allocation: Determine your price range for content creation and distribution. Don’t forget to include everything from paying freelance writers to promoting your content on social media. A clean price range allows for making informed choices approximately wherein to make investments in your assets for optimum effect.

Estimation of your assets and bandwidth ensures that your content strategy is sustainable and expandable.

people with digital content creation concept

  1. Creating & Maintaining Exceptional Content

The key success of any victorious conversion marketing strategy is brilliant content. The impactful reasons behind creating and maintaining content that consistently delivers results are as below.

Quality Over Quantity: It’s recommended to publish few, but high-quality content rather than creating mediocre content just to complete the task. High-quality content is more likely to be shared, linked to, and eventually drive leads.

Content Variety: Diversify your content materials to attain different segments of your audience. Blog posts, videos, podcasts, infographics, and case studies each attract different types of learners and decision-makers.

Consistency is the Key: Maintaining a steady publishing schedule builds trust with your audience and keeps your brand alive in the minds of your audience. Frequent presence also reminds search engines that your site is active and important, which can improve your search rankings.

Evergreen Content: Invest in creating evergreen content that remains meaningful over time. This type of captivating content continues to drive traffic and generate leads even after a long time it’s been published.

You can read about the tips to write evergreen content

By focusing on quality, variety, and consistency, you create a content foundation that attracts and nurtures leads over the long term.

lead generation magnet

  1. Creating Lead Magnets

Lead magnets are critical tools in your lead generation reserve. They provide something of value to your audience in exchange for their contact information, helping you build a list of prospective customers. Ways how to create effective lead magnets:

Solve a Particular Problem: The lead magnet should address a specific weakness or challenge that your audience faces. This can be in the form of a checklist, an eBook, a template, or a webinar. The more relevant the lead magnet, the higher the conversion rate.

High Perceived Value: It should be obvious to your audience that your lead magnet is valuable. Maybe you deliver unique information that others can’t provide, or you offer a tool that makes life easier. Whatever it is, it should seem important enough for users to fill out the form and give you their contact details.

Easy to Consume: A lead magnet needs to be easy to consume. If it’s an eBook, include a summary or takeaways. The easier it is to understand, the more likely your audience can absorb and engage with it. 

Clear Call-to-Action (CTA): Your lead magnet should have a clear CTA, a user flow that directs the user to the next step, e.g., signing up for a newsletter, scheduling a consultation, or getting another resource. 

When lead magnets are executed well your sales funnel will fill with qualified leads.


  1. Testing & Optimization

The last thing to complete the lead generation puzzle is testing and optimization.  You cannot ensure the relevance and effectiveness of the content without testing and optimizing it. Moreover, testing the content helps your content to connect with your target audience.

Alternatively: – A/B Testing: Try testing out different headlines, CTAs, and also if possible along with content formats that are connecting best for their audience. This can tell you about what minor differences could make a big difference in your conversion rate.

Monitor Analytics: Monitor your content analytics, Page views, bounce rate (the percentage of visitors to a site who navigate away without interacting with the page, conversion rates, etc. This gives us some information about what works and what does not.

Feedback Loops: Ask your audience, those follow up with your leads. These can offer you a wealth of data on how your content looks to others and whether or not it is creating the type of leads that are needed.

Continuous Process: Utilize test results and analytics to improve your strategies. Optimization is an ongoing process that keeps your content strategy agile and responsive to changing market conditions.

By repetitively testing and optimizing your content, you ensure that your lead-generation efforts are as effective and efficient as possible.


  1. Use of AI Tools

Modern AI lead generation tools like,,, Woodpecker. co, the process of lead generation can be simplified. These tools have various features built into them and are economical as well.

how content marketing helps

Hear about content marketing from the experts 

  • Hailley Griffis, Buffer

Top content marketing metrics: Organic traffic, blog-assisted sign-ups, and articles per week

At Buffer, we track the performance of both our blogs — Buffer Resources and Buffer Library — in a Mixpanel dashboard that shows us page views for the past seven days, 30 days, and three months at a glance. We measure the success of content in those spaces slightly differently. Since the library is where our SEO-focused content lives, we track the success of these articles there over a more extended period. On resources, we focus more on timely content, so the results have to be more immediate.


  • Eric Doty, Dock

Top content marketing metric: Output

Eric Doty, Content Lead at Dock, is a Marketing team of one at an early-stage start-up. He’s spent the past year building Dock’s content program from the ground up. 

“Metrics are meant to guide our behavior and focus,” Eric says. “In the long term, we want to look at metrics like MQLs [marketing-qualified leads], SQLs [sales-qualified leads], and revenue generated. But if I measured these things from day one, we’d mostly be looking at zeros and single-digit numbers — so they’d do nothing to guide my behavior. Instead, the metrics that matter to him right now are leading indicators for future success. “So the number one thing I’ve tracked for the first year is output. Did we hit our target of eight published blogs every month? Did we publish and distribute our podcast every week? Did we get one weekly marketing email?

“While it’s not in vogue to preach quantity (vs. quality), focusing on the quantity of my output forced me to be hyper-efficient in my processes (while keeping a quality bar). Where do we need tools to add efficiencies? What’s the best way to work with freelancers? How much time do I have in a month for new projects?”

A year into his work at Dock, Eric is turning his attention to other metrics, like organic traffic, video views, social impressions, and more. “You must build a base before you can get to that stuff.”

Generating leads with content requires a strategic and comprehensive approach. By conducting rigorous market and audience research, efficiently managing your assets and bandwidth, creating rare and brilliant content, developing compelling lead magnets, and continuously testing and optimizing, you can create a powerful content engine that drives consistent, high-quality leads.


Success comes from knowing who your audience is, offering them value at each step of the journey, and being ok with testing and experimenting over a period. By having these elements in place, your content will not only get leads to notice it but also generate loyal customers.